Upcoming concerts in Liège 2024

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Most famous venues for live shows in Liège

  1. Le Forum

About Liège


Liège is a city nestled along the Meuse River and boasts a music scene as diverse as its architectural heritage. From classical performances at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège to the rhythmic indie bands in venues like Reflektor, the city resonates with musical vitality. Liège’s annual music festivals like Les Ardentes Festival electrify the summer air, featuring an array of genres from hip-hop to EDM, drawing music enthusiasts from across Europe. The city's jazz clubs, such as Le Jardin des Jazz, provide a cozy ambiance for enthusiasts to revel in improvisational music. Liège's musical tapestry is woven with folk performances in historic squares and experimental music echoing through contemporary galleries.


The Palais des Princes-Évêques stands as a testament to the city's medieval grandeur, while modern architectural marvels like the Cité Miroir exemplify Liège's commitment to artistic innovation. The city's love for the surreal is embodied in the Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain (MAMAC), showcasing works by renowned artists like René Magritte. Liège's passion for literature and storytelling finds expression in its numerous libraries, including the striking La Sauvenière Library. The city's multicultural neighborhoods, such as Outremeuse, offer a sensory delight with their diverse cuisines and lively markets. Liège's annual Fêtes de Wallonie celebrates Walloon culture with traditional music, dance, and culinary delights, creating an immersive cultural experience.


Liège is located only 98km away from Brussels, its roots dating back to ancient times, wear its historical legacy proudly. The Liège Cathedral, dedicated to Saint Paul, showcases stunning Gothic architecture and houses a treasury of religious artifacts. The city's medieval alleys and squares, like the Place du Marché, transport visitors to a bygone era, where artisans once traded their wares. Liège played a pivotal role during the Industrial Revolution, transforming into a bustling steel-producing center. The preserved industrial sites, such as the former coal mine of Blegny-Mine, offer glimpses into the city's industrial past. Liège's resilience is epitomized in its rebuilding after the devastation of World War II, transforming it into a modern city while preserving its historical heart. Today, Liège stands as a captivating blend of ancient charm and contemporary creativity.

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