Wave Temples Concerts Setlist

Wave Temples concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Wave Temples likely to played live!

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X.Y.R. Photo


  1. Vendetta In Paradise
  2. Papaya Sunset
  3. Reaching the Open Ocean
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Fluorescent Heights

  1. Dust
  2. Games at the Creek
  3. The Meadow at Summernights
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Günter Schlienz

  1. Lush Islands
  2. V50 tone transfer
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  1. Olor Food
  2. Around Wanders the Forest-Sea Animal
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Komodo Haunts

  1. Carried On the Wind
  2. New Found
  3. Begin Again
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Venn Rain

  1. Three Wells (For Annie)
  2. Tension Against The Stream
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Former Selves

  1. Onset - Beyond Clouds
  2. Lone Voyager
  3. On The High Seas
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Dolphins Into the Future

  1. Star Gazer
Mohave Triangles Photo

Mohave Triangles

  1. Motion, Color
  2. Visual Noise
  3. Reflecting on the Infinite
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Deep Magic

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