The GAG Quartet Concerts Setlist

The GAG Quartet concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by The GAG Quartet likely to played live!

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Kirby Krackle

  1. Harry Potter in 99 Seconds
  2. Star Wars in 99 Seconds
  3. Disney Halloween Medley
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Jon Cozart

  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
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  1. Neural Waves
  2. Astral Voyage
  3. Synthetic Serenity
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  1. Neural Waves
  2. Astral Voyage
  3. Synthetic Serenity
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  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
Rattlesnake Choir Photo

Rattlesnake Choir

  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
Heron Photo


  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
Rattlesnake Choir Photo

Rattlesnake Choir

  1. Love Theme
  2. Overture
  3. Prelude - Main Title
Miklós Rózsa Photo

Miklós Rózsa

  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
Heron Photo


  1. Ride the Wave
  2. Danse macabre
  3. Still Rising
Lighted Son Photo

Lighted Son

  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
Rattlesnake Choir Photo

Rattlesnake Choir

  1. Магадан - Original version
  2. Человек хороший
  3. Начальник
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  1. Maxed Out
  2. Jailbreak
  3. Tennessee Sunset
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  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
Rattlesnake Choir Photo

Rattlesnake Choir

  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
Heron Photo


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