Mike Sherm Concerts Setlist

Mike Sherm concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Mike Sherm likely to played live!

Mike Sherm Tour Map 2025

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Mike Sherm Biography

Mike Sherm is a rapper from Antioch, USA. He has gained recognition as an underground West Coast hip-hop artist known for his social media presence and clever rhymes. Mike entered the rap scene around 2015. Through his consistent release of music and engagement with fans on social media platforms, he garnered a loyal following.

Some of Mike Sherm's most famous songs include "Squirt Squad Cream Team," "James Harden," and "Ghostwriter." Mike embarked on his rap journey at the age of 12, and by the time he turned 15, he had already released his debut mixtape.

Despite his evident talent, the rap community didn't fully acknowledge him until the release of "Gotta Get It" in 2015. This track swiftly became a sensation, resonating not only in the Bay Area but also reaching a broader audience. Following this breakthrough, Mike continued to drop singles and mixtapes, steadily building his presence and garnering increased recognition within the rap industry.

Mike's musical style seamlessly blends hip-hop elements with trap beats. His distinctive sound has led to collaborations with a variety of other rappers, including Curtis Williams, Lil Yachty, and Migos. Mike has further enriched his repertoire and contributed to the intersection of different rap styles within the industry.

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