Ledetraad Concerts Setlist

Ledetraad concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Ledetraad likely to played live!

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Keiko Ishida

  1. Quiet Eyes
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Haru Kitamura

  1. Hat full of candles
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Lupe Sinsonte

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Eddie Jenkins

  1. Elegie
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Mirta da Silva

  1. Enchanted
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  3. Starry Sky
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  1. Days from Before
  2. Lambay
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Luna Bauer Photo

Luna Bauer

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Con Alma

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William Cas Photo

William Cas

  1. Remembrance
  2. River Running Free
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Miriam Raye

  1. Coelicolor
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  1. Tolerance
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The Masked Pianoman Photo

The Masked Pianoman

  1. La guerra dei pesci (Lo Guarracino)
  2. Napul'è 'o paese d' 'o sole
  3. E tu nun pienz'a mme (Te voglio bene assaje)
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