Dutch Swing College Band Concerts Setlist

Dutch Swing College Band concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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Popular songs in setlists

Top 10 most played songs by Dutch Swing College Band: Setlist highlights from the Last 40 Concerts.

Setlist overview

The setlist for the next concert features live songs from the following albums:

Next Setlist

How long is the concert?

Based on the average Setlist, Dutch Swing College Band will perform live for about 1:56.
Here is the probable setlist inspired by recent concerts (6% probability):

Song title
  1. Jazz At The Concertgebouw cover Tune
  2. The Dutch Swing College Band cover High Society
  3. At The Jazz Band Ball cover Beale Street Blues
  4. The Swing Code cover Muskrat Ramble
  5. Dutch Swing College Band Plays Duke Ellington cover Black and Tan Fantasy
  6. no cover Makin' whopee
  7. Dutch Swing College Band 75 cover 2020 Rag
  8. no cover Ramblin' away
  9. no cover Free impression medley
  10. Live! cover Darktown Strutters ball
  11. no cover Charlston
  12. Encore #1

  13. The Band's Best cover At the Jazzband Ball
  14. Back To The Roots cover Doghouse Blues
  15. Ministry Of Jazz cover March of the Indians
  16. no cover Shimme-Sha-Wabble
  17. no cover A shanty in all shanty town
  18. Ministry Of Jazz cover So do i
  19. Dixieland Goes Dutch cover The Sheik of Araby
  20. The Dutch Swing College Band 1958-59 cover Marina
  21. no cover Slottune
  22. Dutch Swing College Band 1960 cover When the Saints Go Marching In

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