Dog Eat Dog Concerts Setlist

Dog Eat Dog concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Dog Eat Dog likely to played live!

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  1. Countdown To Insanity
  2. Ring Of Fire - Radio Version
  3. Risin' High - Def Core Grand Mix/Video Cut
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  1. Schatten
  2. Silver Surger
  3. Gegen Den Storm ('95)
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Such a Surge

  1. Age of Panic
  2. States of Mind
  3. Age of Panic (Git-O-Rama Mix)
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  1. Comfortably Numb
  2. Body Count's in the House
  3. Institutionalized 2014
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Body Count

  1. Punishment
  2. Judgment Night
  3. Shades of Grey - Remastered
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  1. Not Promised Tomorrow
  2. Rising
  3. (Here Comes) the Monster
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Stuck Mojo

  1. Biggest & the Best
  2. Do What I Say
  3. Nigger
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  1. Rise And Shine
  2. Remain Calm
  3. Holy Man
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One Minute Silence

  1. Sell Myself
  2. Break Me
  3. Seize The Day
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