Will Wood And The Tapeworms Concerts Setlist

Will Wood And The Tapeworms concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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Popular songs in setlists

Top 10 most played songs by Will Wood And The Tapeworms: Setlist highlights from the Last 40 Concerts.

Setlist overview

The setlist for the next concert features live songs from the following albums:

Next Setlist

How long is the concert?

Based on the average Setlist, Will Wood And The Tapeworms will perform live for about 0:45.
Here is the probable setlist inspired by recent concerts (34% probability):

Song title
  1. Everything Is A Lot cover 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con)
  2. The Real cover Front Street
  3. Everything Is A Lot cover White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off?)
  4. Self-ish cover Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer's Prosopagnosia/Pareidolia (As Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus)
  5. Everything Is A Lot cover Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones)
  6. Self-ish cover Dr. Sunshine is Dead
  7. Everything Is A Lot cover Red Moon

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