TwinSisterMoon Concerts Setlist

TwinSisterMoon concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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  1. From Icy Lands
  2. To Ride with Hölle
  3. Sun Disk Wand
Isengrind Photo


  1. Daughters of Darkness
  2. Carnal Flowers
  3. Satanic Demona, Pt. 1
Natural Snow Buildings Photo

Natural Snow Buildings

  1. Stouthrief
  2. Time
  3. Untitled
Hala Strana Photo

Hala Strana

  1. 1000 Times
  2. In My Head
  3. Spinning in the Wind
Big Blood Photo

Big Blood

  1. Somatic
  2. In the End
  3. Under the Growing Surface
Steven R. Smith Photo

Steven R. Smith

  1. Churpa Champurrado
  2. Baby Tiger, I Went Far Away
  3. Michael, I Will Meet You at the End of Time
Inca Ore Photo

Inca Ore

  1. Silent from Above
  2. Drowning the Call
  3. Fell Sound
Mirrorring Photo


  1. Rain
  2. Elena
  3. Omphalos
Cerberus Shoal Photo

Cerberus Shoal

  1. Poison Tree
  2. Alien Observer
  3. Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping
Grouper Photo


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