The Quantic Soul Orchestra Concerts Setlist

The Quantic Soul Orchestra concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by The Quantic Soul Orchestra likely to played live!

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  1. Westbound Train
  2. Time Is the Enemy
  3. Cumbia Sobre el Mar
Quantic Photo


  1. Sunday Driver
  2. The Dub That Sank My Sub
  3. The Limping Song
The Limp Twins Photo

The Limp Twins

  1. Un Canto a Mi Tierra
  2. The Dreaming Mind, Pt. 2
  3. Linda Morena
Quantic and his Combo Bárbaro Photo

Quantic and his Combo Bárbaro

  1. Simmerdown
  2. Seven Nation Army
  3. Medicine Chest
Nostalgia 77 Photo

Nostalgia 77

  1. Part Time Millionaire
  2. Invisible
  3. Two Steps
Flevans Photo


  1. Feet Keep Moving
  2. In the Morning (feat. Andreya Triana)
  3. Midnight Sun (feat. Elodie Rama)
Natural Self Photo

Natural Self

  1. All That - Natural Self Remix
  2. Lover Man
  3. Get Up And Go
Lizzy Parks Photo

Lizzy Parks

  1. Citizens
  2. Seven Nation Army
  3. Hurry on Now - Boub Remix
Alice Russell Photo

Alice Russell

  1. Nao Posso Demorar - Diesler remix
  2. A Little Something
  3. Sand Castles
Diesler Photo


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