The Orwells Concerts Setlist

The Orwells concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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Popular songs in setlists

Top 10 most played songs by The Orwells: Setlist highlights from the Last 40 Concerts.

Setlist overview

The setlist for the next concert features live songs from the following albums:

Next Setlist

How long is the concert?

Based on the average Setlist, The Orwells will perform live for about 0:47.
Here is the probable setlist inspired by recent concerts (66% probability):

Song title
  1. Terrible Human Beings cover Black Francis
  2. Terrible Human Beings cover Fry
  3. Terrible Human Beings cover They Put A Body In The Bayou
  4. Remember When cover In My Bed
  5. Terrible Human Beings cover Vacation
  6. Disgraceland cover Gotta Get Down
  7. Terrible Human Beings cover Heavy Head
  8. Disgraceland cover Who Needs You
  9. Terrible Human Beings cover Double Feature
  10. Terrible Human Beings cover Buddy

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