Technimatic Concerts Setlist

Technimatic concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Technimatic likely to played live!

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  1. Before You - goddard. Remix
  2. Makes Me Feel Alive
  3. Never Too High
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  1. Touch
  2. Let Me Hold You
  3. Come Down
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Hybrid Minds

  1. Heal Me - Spectrasoul Remix
  2. Away With Me - Calibre Remix
  3. Burst - Calibre Remix
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  1. Tell Me
  2. Touch - Tokyo Prose Remix
  3. Innate Motion
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Tokyo Prose

  1. Begin By Letting Go
  2. In My Head
  3. See The Sky
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  1. Gravity
  2. Immortal
  3. We Got It - S.P.Y Remix
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  1. High & Low - Zero T Remix
  2. Feeling High (Lenzman Remix)
  3. Open Page
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  1. Valentine
  2. Put Me Down
  3. Can You Feel (2020 Mix)
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