Subsonica Concerts Setlist

Subsonica concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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Popular songs in setlists

Top 10 most played songs by Subsonica: Setlist highlights from the Last 40 Concerts.

Setlist overview

The setlist for the next concert features live songs from the following albums:

Next Setlist

Check out and listen to the setlist of the upcoming Concert (Spotify playlist updated after every tour date):

How long is the concert?

Based on the average Setlist, Subsonica will perform live for about 2:13.
Here is the probable setlist inspired by recent concerts (74% probability):

Song title
  1. Realtà Aumentata cover Cani umani
  2. Realtà Aumentata cover Mattino di luce
  3. Realtà Aumentata cover Pugno di sabbia
  4. Realtà Aumentata cover Africa su Marte
  5. L'eclissi cover Veleno
  6. Microchip Emozionale cover Aurora sogna
  7. Microchip Emozionale cover Liberi tutti
  8. Microchip Emozionale cover Discolabirinto
  9. Anni Luce 1997 - 2017 cover Nuvole rapide
  10. L'eclissi cover Il centro della fiamma
  11. Subsonica cover Giungla Nord
  12. Realtà Aumentata cover Universo
  13. Anni Luce 1997 - 2017 cover Il cielo su Torino
  14. Realtà Aumentata cover Scoppia la bolla
  15. Era Tutto Un Sogno cover Numero uno (Ensi cover)
  16. Neffa E I Messaggeri Della Dopa cover Aspettando il Sole (Neffa cover)
  17. Realtà Aumentata cover Nessuna colpa
  18. Anni Luce 1997 - 2017 cover Il diluvio
  19. Una Nave In Una Foresta cover Lazzaro
  20. Microchip Emozionale cover Tutti i miei sbagli
  21. The Platinum Collection cover Strade

Subsonica Tour Map 2025

Follow Subsonica on tour with our interactive Tour Map. Explore the places where the concerts will take and find out where you can catch Subsonica on tour near you.
17 upcoming concerts, touring across these countries with exciting setlists and live performances: Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, etc.

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