Original Concerts Setlist

Original concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Original likely to played live!

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  1. Just Can't Get Enough - Ken Doh Mix
  2. Attendance (Extended)
  3. Attendance (Radio)
Ken Doh Photo

Ken Doh

  1. 越難越愛 - (劇集 "使徒行者" 片尾曲)
  2. 眼淚的秘密 - 電視劇「武則天」片尾曲
  3. 成長的證據 - 劇集《玫瑰的故事》主題曲
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  1. Finally - 7" Choice Mix
  2. Space Cowboy (Classic Radio)
  3. Mr. Loverman (feat. Chevelle Franklin)
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David Morales

  1. Peace
  2. Peace (In the Valley) - Edit Version
  3. Forever (feat. Sabrina Johnston) - Michael Gray Remix
Sabrina Johnston Photo

Sabrina Johnston

  1. Such A Good Feeling - Radio Edit
  2. Finer Feelings (Brothers in Rhythm 7" Mix)
  3. Such A Good Feeling - Inspiration Delight Mix
Brothers in Rhythm Photo

Brothers in Rhythm

  1. Naked in the rain
  2. Naked In the Rain - Original Radio Edit
  3. Can You Feel the Passion - Radio Edit
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Blue Pearl

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