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But... Here are the top 10 songs by NoCap likely to played live!
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From Mobile, Alabama to the Billboard charts, NoCap's journey reads like a modern rap fairy tale with some heavy plot twists. Nine-year-old Kobe Crawford picked up music thanks to his mom's boyfriend, but nobody could've guessed this kid would end up reshaping Alabama's rap scene.
After taking a break from music (hey, even future stars need time to find themselves), he exploded onto the scene in 2017 with "Believe It." Then "Legend" dropped in 2018, racking up millions of views and proving Mobile had something to say. When YoungBoy Never Broke Again came calling in 2019, it looked like everything was falling into place.
"Ghetto Angels" changed everything - Platinum certification, 80 million YouTube views, and suddenly NoCap wasn't just Alabama's secret anymore.
After being released from prison in 2021, NoCap had success with other songs and released his debut studio album "Mr. Crawford."
By 2022, NoCap had a public beef with the rapper YoungBoy NBA, leading to his departure from NBA's label after releasing "The Main Bird." The rapper also faced several legal issues throughout his career. Back in 2019, he turned himself in to police after being charged with shooting into an occupied building following a problem with his sister.
In late 2020, he announced on Instagram that he had to turn himself in again. NoCap surrendered to authorities in early 2021 for violating his parole related to the 2019 case and spent nearly seven months in jail before being released later that same year.
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