Niños Mutantes does not have any upcoming tour dates.
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Top 10 most played songs by Niños Mutantes: Setlist highlights from the Last 40 Concerts.
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Todo va a cambiar
Sin pensar
No puedo más contigo
Hermana mía
Una noche
Buena suerte
Como yo te amo
Errante (Canción mutante)
Menú del día
Setlist overview
The setlist for the next concert features live songs from the following albums:
Next Setlist
Check out and listen to the setlist of the upcoming Concert (Spotify playlist updated after every tour date):
How long is the concert?
Based on the average Setlist, Niños Mutantes will perform live for about 2:22.
Here is the probable setlist inspired by recent concerts (29% probability):
You can share your thoughts on a Niños Mutantes concert or setlist. Comment in English (or use the appropriate site version to comment in another language).
Fascinados (feat. Joan Manuel Serrat, Leiva, Vetusta Morla, Iván Ferreiro, Loquillo, Zahara, Dani Martin, Albert Pla, Mikel (Izal), Noni (Lori Meyers), Santi Balmes, Xoel López, Anni B Sweet, Jeanette, Carlos Sadness, Nina (Morgan), Juan Alberto (Niños Mutantes), Miri Ros, Javiera Mena, Jorge Martí (La Habitación Roja), Rafa Val (Viva Suecia), Marc (Dorian), Alondra Bentley, Abraham Boba, Carlangas (Novedades Carminha), La Bien Querida, Martí Perarnau IV (Mucho), Nita (Fuel Fandango) & Shuarma (Elefantes))
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