Kingdom Concerts Setlist

Kingdom concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Kingdom likely to played live!

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  1. A Solitary Reign
  2. Discrimen
  3. Wear My Crown
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  1. Pity the Weak
  2. A Soul to Bare
  3. The Fall of Efrafa
Fall of Efrafa Photo

Fall of Efrafa

  1. Hasty
  2. It Is What It Is
  3. Target Practice
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  1. No Heaven
  2. Keep On
  3. Tawoumga
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  1. Perséphone I
  2. Alètheia
  3. Sélénite
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Year of No Light

  1. Second Son of R.
  2. Being Able to Feel Nothing
  3. Needles in Your Skin
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  1. Aura
  2. Wölfe
  3. Geisterstadt
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Omega Massif

  1. Officium Divinum, Morning Prayer: No. 1, The Night Has Passed
  2. Officium Divinum, Evening Prayer: No. 12, Kindle in Our Hearts
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  1. Pave Paradise
  2. The Same Son
  3. Bostons
Have Heart Photo

Have Heart

  1. Poison
  2. Astral
  3. Wisdom
Entropia Photo


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