Cobardes Concerts Setlist

Cobardes concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Cobardes likely to played live!

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  1. Buscando Mi Destino
  2. Hace Tiempo
  3. Porqué
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La Desbandada

  1. red sky
  2. Who Are You, Really?
  3. Smile
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  1. Déjame Decirte
  2. Me He Acostumbrado
  3. Señora


  1. Vendrás
  2. Córtame las Penas
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Gato Ventura

  1. Quisiera
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El Vicio del Duende

  1. Hada
  2. Maldita Extraña Forma
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  1. Que No Amanezca
  2. Soltando Lastre
  3. Tabernera
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  1. Si tu vois ma mère - Slow
  2. Le marchand de poissons
  3. That's A Plenty (Charlestonné)
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  1. Uña y Carne
  2. Todo Vuelve a Empezar
  3. A Largo Plazo
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  1. Son Ilusiones
  2. Y Seremos Libres
  3. La Buena Educación
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  1. No One
  2. Der Fremde
  3. Mein Thron
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  1. Puñales
  2. La Quiero a Morir
  3. Las Torres de Tus Lamentos
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  1. La Guerra contra el Resto
  2. Naufragio
  3. Enemigos
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Whisky Caravan

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