Brighten Concerts Setlist

Brighten concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Brighten likely to played live!

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  1. My Beautiful Rescue
  2. Letdown
  3. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
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This Providence

  1. Paper Planes
  2. Everywhere Everything
  3. To Love and Back
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This Century

  1. Loved You A Little (with Taking Back Sunday and Charlotte Sands)
  2. Black Butterflies and Déjà Vu
  3. Touch
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The Maine

  1. I'm Not Missing You - Acoustic Version / Live
  2. Solide
  3. I'd Rather Be Alone
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  1. Getaway
  2. My Philosophy
  3. Time for Me
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Holiday Parade

  1. Sausalito
  2. Strawberry Moon (Instrumental)
  3. Never Enough
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  1. Boomerang
  2. Lightning In A Bottle
  3. Teenagers
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The Summer Set

  1. 18
  2. Letter in a Suitcase
  3. You And I
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  1. Come Around
  2. No One Can Touch Us
  3. Sugar Sweet
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Sing It Loud

  1. Miles Don't Mean Anything
  2. I Knew You'd Never Fly
  3. Roll Right Over
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Eye Alaska

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