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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Angerfist likely to played live!
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18 upcoming concerts, touring across these countries with exciting setlists and live performances:
United Kingdom,
Picture a 16-year-old in the Netherlands tinkering with 4-beat loops in his bedroom - that's how Danny Masseling started before becoming hardcore's masked avenger, Angerfist. After sending a demo to DJ Buzz Fuzz in 2001, he didn't just get signed to BZRK Records; he unleashed a sonic revolution in the gabber scene. Those early tracks as "Menace II Society" and "Angerfist" weren't just music - they were manifestos of aggression, with hits like "Dance With The Wolves" and "Raise Your Fist" helping define nustyle hardcore.
By 2005, he was crafting "The World Will Shiver" for Masters of Hardcore, proving he could make anthems as easily as he could start riots. His signature look - that ice hockey mask and hoodie combo - became as iconic as his sound. Whether he's throwing down at Sensation Black, Defqon. 1, or Mysteryland, that mask means business is about to pick up.
And business has been good - he peaked at No. 29 in DJ Mag's Top 100 DJs in 2018. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Angerfist engaged with fans through gaming streams, known as AngerGames.
His live performances are iconic for the use of specially designed ice hockey masks and black or white hoodies.
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