AJ Mitchell Concerts Setlist

AJ Mitchell concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by AJ Mitchell likely to played live!

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  1. 8 Letters
  2. Fallin’ (Adrenaline)
  3. Don’t Wake Me Up
Why Don’t We Photo

Why Don’t We

  1. Painkiller
  2. Want U Around (feat. Ruel)
  3. Dazed & Confused
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  1. Personal
  2. All Or Nothing
  3. Good Vibes
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  1. Let Me Down Slowly
  2. If We Have Each Other
  3. Water Fountain
Alec Benjamin Photo

Alec Benjamin

  1. Rise
  2. Like That (Jack's Version)
  3. No One Compares To You
Jack & Jack Photo

Jack & Jack

  1. Eyes Off You
  2. Phases
  3. Summer on You


  1. Hot2Touch
  2. One Dance/Hasta El Amanecer - Mashup
  3. Unloving You
Alex Aiono Photo

Alex Aiono

  1. Keep You Mine
  2. Are you happy?
  3. Slow
SHY Martin Photo

SHY Martin

  1. Know Me Too Well
  2. Somebody That You Loved
  3. Love Again
New Hope Club Photo

New Hope Club

  1. Whatever
  2. Sweet but Psycho
  3. Kings & Queens
Ava Max Photo

Ava Max

  1. Let Me Go (with Alesso, Florida Georgia Line & watt)
  2. Starving
  3. Love Myself
Hailee Steinfeld Photo

Hailee Steinfeld

  1. Forever Right Now
  2. Older
  3. Take All Night
Conor Matthews Photo

Conor Matthews

  1. I Like Me Better
  2. Mean It
  3. Steal The Show
Lauv Photo


  1. I'm Not Her
  2. In The End
  3. Lost Without You
Clara Mae Photo

Clara Mae

  1. Crazy AF
  2. She Do
  3. Tonight Belongs to You
In Real Life Photo

In Real Life

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