Aaron Sprinkle Concerts Setlist

Aaron Sprinkle concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Aaron Sprinkle likely to played live!

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Fair Photo


  1. In Bloom
  2. A Place Called Earth
  3. The House Of God, Forever
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Jon Foreman

  1. Happily Hidden (with John Mark McMillan)
  2. King of My Heart
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John Mark McMillan

  1. Shoreline
  2. The Things You Were
  3. Birds
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Deas Vail

  1. Consider the Lilies
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The Choir

  1. Lower East Side
  2. Watch You Burn
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Anchor & Braille

  1. Slow Your Breath Down
  2. Eclipse
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Future of Forestry

  1. The Victory
  2. Disappear (feat. Stephen Christian)
  3. Get a Little Weird
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Number One Gun

  1. A Clean Shot
  2. Insomniatic
  3. A Thousand Winters Melting
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The Myriad

  1. Keep Waiting
  2. Minuteman
  3. Gold And Silver
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