4hero Concerts Setlist

4hero concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by 4hero likely to played live!

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  2. Rendezvous
  3. Bohemian Sunset
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  1. Voodoo Ray
  2. Inter Funk
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A Guy Called Gerald

  1. Maybe Now
  2. Just Paradise
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Clara Hill

  1. Atlantis (I Need You)
  2. Demons Theme Part II
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  1. Brown Paper Bag
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Roni Size / Reprazent

  1. Substream
  2. Eclipse
  3. The Dawn Introduction
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Kyoto Jazz Massive

  1. Circles - 7'' Edit
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Adam F

  1. The Rhythm, Pt. 1
  2. A Festa
  3. The Swingin' Feel
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Trüby Trio

  1. Moment - Atjazz Vocal Mix
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