中山美穂 Concerts Setlist

中山美穂 concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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中山美穂 Biography

Miho Nakayama (中山美穂) is a celebrated Japanese actress, singer, and former idol. Born on March 1, 1970, in Tokyo, she started her career in the entertainment industry as a model in junior high school.

In 1985, Nakayama made her singing debut with the single "C", which was followed by numerous successful songs and albums. Her hits include "Wakako-zake", "Mermaid", and "Rosa". Her music career thrived during the 1980s and 1990s, making her one of the most popular idols of that era.

Simultaneously, Nakayama also made a name for herself as an actress. She starred in several films and TV dramas, showcasing her acting skills and versatility. Some of her notable works include "Love Letter", for which she won the Best Actress Award at the 16th Japan Academy Prize, and the long-running television series, "Hitotsu Yane no Shita".

Despite stepping back from the limelight in recent years, Nakayama's influence on Japanese pop culture remains significant. Her contribution to the music and film industry has left a lasting impact, and she continues to be loved and admired by fans.

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