Voyd Realm Concerts Setlist

Voyd Realm concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Voyd Realm likely to played live!

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  1. Thirteen Shamans - 200 bpm
  2. The Last Man Who Beat The Machine
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Fractaly Noise

  1. Activated
  2. The Concept of Time
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Fright Rate

  1. El Amor
  2. Mi Monstruo
  3. Flotando
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  1. Rock Steady
  2. The Tide Is High
  3. Perfidia
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The Supersonics

  1. Zuguzu
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  1. Somewhere in the Dark
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  1. Jungle Fever
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  1. Quantum Level
  2. Thirteen Shamans - 200 bpm
  3. Sonic Shades
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Logic UFO

  1. The State of Being
  2. Take a Ride
  3. Whispers
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  1. Freak Message
  2. Green Poison
  3. Molecular Frequency (194)
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  1. Music is Frequency
  2. Mind Connections
  3. Dual Consciousness
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