S.E.X. Appeal Concerts Setlist

S.E.X. Appeal concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

Live Stats

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by S.E.X. Appeal likely to played live!

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  1. Stay with Me - Radio Edit
  2. Runaway - Radio Edit
  3. Moonlight Shadow
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Missing Heart

  1. Move That Body - Radio Edit
  2. Move That Body
  3. Go Away
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Look Twice

  1. (I'm) On Your Side - Factory Team Edit
  2. Everyday - 132 BPM
  3. Ohh Ah Just a Little Bit - 140 Bpm
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T.H. Express

  1. Rhythm Of Love
  2. Hey Everybody
  3. Fly Away
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DJ Company

  1. Why
  2. Sticky Icky
  3. Vibe
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  1. Promised Land
  2. Free Your Mind
  3. Piece Of My Heart - Single Mix
Intermission Photo


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