Terra Builder Concerts Setlist

Terra Builder concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Terra Builder likely to played live!

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  2. Who Else - Live at Gateway Conference
  3. The More I Seek You - Chapel Sessions
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  1. Dwells
  2. Of Aeons Past
  3. Transforming to Pale Mist
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  1. Blight
  2. Toxic Speculations
  3. Nothing Changes
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  1. Malignant Visions
  2. Gates To Nihil
  3. Confined
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Disguised Malignance

  1. Flashing Madness ov Death
  2. Infinite Glimmering Chasm
  3. Talk to Me
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Hot Graves

  1. Retribution (Intro)
  2. Fall of the Gods
  3. Through Violence Worship
All Consumed Photo

All Consumed

  1. Into Cerulean Blood I Bathe
  2. Frostpalace Gloaming Respite
  3. Drown in Aether, Sovereign of Withered Ardor
Vertebra Atlantis Photo

Vertebra Atlantis

  1. Frost
  2. Evermore
  3. Buffalo
The Permutation Photo

The Permutation

  1. Protection
  2. Protection - Single Version
  3. Protection - Radiation For The Nation Mix
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  1. Wrath
  2. Carnage
  3. Hangman
Arborescence of Wrath Photo

Arborescence of Wrath

  1. Conquest
  2. Plague
  3. Phobia
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  1. CAOS
  2. Como Te Perdono
  3. Don’t Stop
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  1. Strangled by Entrails
  2. Epidemic Disembowelment
  3. Horrific Bloodshed
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  1. Burden of Decline
  2. Begotten by the Envenomed
  3. Burning Palace of Wisdom
Temple of Scorn Photo

Temple of Scorn

  1. From Shadows Arisen
  2. As the Ashes Settle
  3. Ritual of Conflagration
Orphalis Photo


  1. The Sin Before The Great Sin
  2. The Fall
  3. Idiosyncrasy
Serpent of Old Photo

Serpent of Old

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