Pablo Zuazo Concerts Setlist

Pablo Zuazo concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2024 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Pablo Zuazo likely to played live!

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Up, Bustle & Out

  1. Suzuki
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  2. Interlude
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  1. Existentialism (milano Dub Mix)
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The Dining Rooms

  1. Yes Baby Yes
  2. Dance Naked Under Palmtrees
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Mo' Horizons

  1. Got to Be a Love - Paul Nice Remix
  2. Love
  3. Fallo Giusto
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  1. Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)
  2. Tukka Yoot's Riddim
  3. You Can't Hold Me Down
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  1. Summer Keeps On Passing Me By
  2. Bohemian Sunset
  3. Rendezvous
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  1. The Sensual Woman
  2. Excuse Me
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The Herbaliser

  1. Listen To The Beat
  2. Junkies Bad Trip
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London Funk Allstars

  1. Swim
  2. Summer In Paris (Starring Anggun)
  3. To Be Continued
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