Clay K Slider Concerts Setlist

Clay K Slider concerts: setlists, upcoming live shows and concerts, 2025 tour

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But... Here are the top 10 songs by Clay K Slider likely to played live!

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Jack Stauber

  1. Hidden In the Sand
  2. The Bidding
  3. Turn the Lights Off
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Tally Hall

  1. Love Like You (feat. Rebecca Sugar) - End Credits
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  1. Digital Hallucination
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In Love With a Ghost

  1. Fallen Down
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  1. Morgen geht die Bombe hoch - Maxi Version
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Adventure Time

  1. Ghost Duet
  2. Ghost Choir
  3. Community Gardens
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Louie Zong

  1. Fine
  2. Touch-Tone Telephone
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Lemon Demon

  1. Jump Up, Super Star!
  2. Mii Channel
  3. Wii Sports
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  1. Hot Milk
  2. Pixel Galaxy
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Snail’s House

  1. Wii Theme but Its September
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Mr Rock

  1. Clear - Shawn Wasabi Remix
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Shawn Wasabi

  1. La de Da de Da de Da de Day Oh
  2. Just Did a Bad Thing
  3. And the Day Goes On
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bill wurtz

  1. Bubblegum K.K. (From "Animal Crossing: New Leaf")
  2. World Bowser (From "Super Mario 3D World")
  3. Luigi's Mansion
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